Get Your Special Free Report:

7 Strategies to Integrate Big Shifts of Consciousness into Your Daily Life

Have you had a big shift in consciousness?

Perhaps a profound spiritual experience, psychedelic journey, paradigm-smashing mind-shift, extraordinary dream, life-force awakening, spontaneous healing or reality-changing retreat?

Out-of-the-ordinary experiences like these can be wonderful and sometimes difficult to talk about and challenging to live with. Without a plan, your newly expanded feelings, insights and perceptions may feel like sand slipping through your fingers.

In this culture that so emphasizes rational thinking and “consensus reality” experiences that are out of the ordinary can be marginalized, feared and misunderstood.

You may wonder…

  • How do I bring the teachings, feeling and meaning of the experience into my daily life?
  • Will the positive aspects of my experience slip away in the busyness and responsibilities of everyday life?
  • Will people think I'm weird … or even unstable... if I share my experience?
  • How can I reconcile the fear of letting go of this profound experience, with the fear of trusting and embracing it?
  • What could change in my life if I actually believe the experience is true?

This report gives you simple, life-changing tools to begin to integrate the feelings, insights and perceptions from your breakthrough into daily life so that you can create lasting, tangible change.